Saturday, January 5, 2008

Big Boned

I just finished Big Boned, by Meg Cabot. This was the third book in her Heather Wells series. This is a cute crime series that is chick-lit all the way. In this series the main character, Heather, is a former pop-teen sensation turned college "residence" hall assistant and part-time college student. She lives with her ex-boyfriend's brother, Cooper, who she has a major crush on (and I kinda do as well after reading these).

Unfortunately for Heather, 'things' keep happening at the residence hall where she works, such as murders. And also unfortunately for her she can't seem to keep herself out of the mix.
I really enjoyed this book as I have the others in the series and recommend the series if you are looking for something quick and fun (no deep thinkin' needed here). I am looking forward to the next book, as the ending keeps me wondering "What's next for Heather?"
Happy reading!

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