Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Kite Runner

Where to even begin. I have had The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini in my to be read basket for at least a year, possibly two or more! I cannot believe this! I cannot believe that this book has been sitting on my dresser for so long and I just got around to reading it.

The Kite Runner has been reviewed many, many times - 2,567 times on Amazon and countless other times on Good Reads, blogs, etc...So, I am not going to review it here.

What I will say is - this book is phenomenal. It is an emotional ride through Afghanistan's culture. I loved the story, the characters, the realism that the author portrayed of Afghanistan and one man's journey to America.

I highly recommend this book. Read it. You will not be sorry.


Katrina W. said...

I loved it too. I agree that it was phenomenal. So real and the horrifying cruelty in the book was definitely balanced out by all the the astounding beauty.

Monica said...

I have had this in my TBR pile for aaages... like, since it came out! And I still haven't read it (so I only skimmed your post so I didn't get any spoilers)